Laughter Yoga – A complete exercise for Body Mind and spirit

Laughter yoga – a good release and complete well being workout!
A new exercise technique that is sweeping the world. A revolutionary idea – simple and profound! The brainchild of Dr. Madan Kataria, a Physician from Mumbai, India, launched the first Laughter Club at a Park on March 13, 1995, with merely a handful of persons. Today, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 7000 Social Laughter Clubs in about 70 countries.
In addition to social laughter clubs, Laughter Yoga is also practiced in companies and corporations, Fitness centers, Yoga studios, Centers for Seniors, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Physically and mentally challenged and Self help cancer groups.

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Restorative Circles: Justice without Classism

December 13th, 2010 by Jerry Koch-Gonzalezimage1

We know the justice system is biased by inequality. The best justice money can buy. And the locations where this justice system is carried out – courtrooms, classrooms, living rooms, workplaces – are filled with people labeled with roles of unequal status: the judge and the accused, the cop and the criminal, the parent and the child, the perpetrator and the victim, the boss and the worker, the teacher and the student.  These roles and locations carry with them social and cultural capital that privileges one over another and support dynamics of “power over” and “power under.” Continue reading